
Showing posts from March, 2024

The purpose of Data

"The purpose of models is not to fit the data but to sharpen the questions" -Samuel Karlin

Some insight from 2023 Insurance Barometer Study

     Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to have minor dependent children and worry more than older generations about: Leaving dependents in a difficult financial situation should they die prematurely Paying for children’s schooling/college Paying mortgage or rent Supporting self/family should they become disabled Paying off/reducing their own student loan debt Results from the 2023 Insurance Barometer Study, by LIMRA and Life Happens, can help the industry understand their financial priorities and purchase preferences to ensure these consumers have the life insurance they need to protect their financial security.


  你是三国里的: 关羽 美髯公;关公;武圣 三国演义中的关羽是一员不可多得的猛将,同时也是一个非常忠诚的人。出场时与刘备张飞桃园结义, 打造兵器后参加镇压黄巾起义 的战争中, 而后虽然与刘备东奔西走,颠沛流离,但仍能斩将杀敌, 大显神威。《三国演义》中以旁白视角叙事时,通常称关羽为“云长”或“关公”, 极少直呼其名, 而整部《三国演义》中除了对皇帝称帝号外,亦只有关羽、刘备、诸葛亮有此待遇。 你身上有着“云长”的影子,一身正气凌然,厌恶不公与暗箱操作,对待朋友仗义,集智慧、勇气、 毅力、大志于一身,有胆有识有为, 终会成就一番事业。 原来我在三国人物里是 关羽 ,快来看看你的! 分享你的测验

Advanced Medical Treatments

Advanced Medical Treatments covered under the Great Eastern Medical Card Introduction: The realm of medicine is ever-advancing, offering a multitude of innovative solutions to combat illnesses and enhance patient well-being. However, navigating through this maze of options can be daunting, especially for those seeking clarity on their health journey. In this blog post, we'll explore a selection of cutting-edge medical treatments covered under the Great Eastern Medical Card, shedding light on advancements in cancer care, surgical procedures, and specialized therapies. Battling Cancer: Cancer treatment has evolved significantly, presenting a range of advanced techniques to target tumors and combat the disease. Great Eastern's Medical Card encompasses several of these innovative approaches: Precision Warfare: Technologies like Brachytherapy and Proton Beam Radiotherapy provide precise methods to attack cancer cells while minimizing harm to healthy tissue. Brachytherapy involves pl...