
Showing posts from March, 2023

A card that can save your life.

Imagine a card that can save your life. 🙌 A card that can cover your medical bills when you are sick or injured. 💊 A card that can give you access to the best doctors and hospitals in the country.  🏥 A card that can offer you peace of mind and security for you and your loved ones.  💖 That card is a medical card.  💳 A medical card is more than just an insurance card, it is a lifeline. It can reimburse you for various medical expenses, such as hospitalization, surgery, outpatient, or special treatment. There are two main types of medical cards: standalone medical card and investment-linked medical card.  A standalone medical card is affordable and simple but does not have any investment benefits.  💰 Investment-linked medical card is more expensive and complex but has potential investment returns. 📈  You can choose the most suitable medical card according to your needs and budget. With a medical card, you have the necessary protection, for you to ...


  当你考虑购买医药卡时,你需要仔细考虑自己的需求和预算,以便找到最适合你的保险选项。目前市场上有两种主要类型的医药卡:单一医药卡和投资连结医药卡。 单一医药卡是一种比较经济实惠的选项。相对于投资连结医药卡,它的保费通常较为便宜,但并不包含投资成分。如果你只是希望获得基本的医疗保障,而不需要投资回报,那么单一医药卡可能是更好的选择。 而投资连结医药卡的保费通常较高,但相对而言,保险费用可能会更低一些。同时,这种医药卡的保费会被用来进行投资,以期获得更高的回报。如果你想要更全面的医疗保障,并且希望在长期内获得一定的投资回报,那么投资连结医药卡可能是更好的选择。 当你在考虑医药卡时,你还需要考虑保费的总成本。投资连结医药卡的保费可能会在长期内提供更高的投资回报,但同时也可能更高。相比之下,单一医药卡的保费相对较便宜,但可能不会提供同样的投资回报。 因此,如果你想要购买医药卡,你需要仔细考虑自己的需求和预算,并找到最适合你的选项。如果你有任何疑问,请咨询专业保险顾问或专业人士以获取帮助。如果你想要得到一个Excel分析,以便更好地了解哪种医药卡更适合你,请点赞并在留言区私信我。 When considering purchasing a medical card, it's important to carefully consider your needs and budget in order to find the best insurance option for you. There are two main types of medical cards available in the market: standalone medical cards and investment-linked medical cards. A standalone medical card is a more affordable option. Compared to an investment-linked medical card, its premium is usually cheaper, but it doesn't include any investment component. If you only want basic med...

探讨圣经中“be still”的不同注解

 圣经中,与“be still”相关的原文有多种注解。以下是其中几种: 诗篇46:10中的“be still”一词,原文为希伯来语“רפה”(raphah),意思是“松弛”,“放松”,“停止”,“休息”。这个词通常被用来描述身体或心灵的放松状态,以及休息和恢复。 出埃及记14:14中的“be still”一词,原文为希伯来语“חָרַשׁ”(charash),意思是“安静”,“寂静”,“不要说话”,“停止”,“不要惊慌或惊恐”。这个词通常被用来描述安静地等待或聆听,或者停止说话或行动,以便注意到神的话语或领导。 诗篇37:7中的“be still”一词,原文为希伯来语“דָּמָה”(damah),意思是“安静”,“沉默”,“停止抱怨或争论”,“等待神的行动”。这个词通常被用来描述在困难或不确定的时候,保持安静和信任神的领导和计划。 圣经中还有许多其他的例子,其中包括以下几个: 诗篇131:2中说:“我的心不高傲,我的眼不高大;我也不涉入我所不能明白的事,奇妙又妙事,过于我所能知道的。”这里的“不涉入”一词原文为希伯来语“לֹא דָגַל”(lo dagal),意思是“不过度追求”或“不烦恼”。这个词强调了保持内心平静和谦卑的重要性。 马太福音6:25-26中说:“所以我告诉你们,不要为生命忧虑吃什么、喝什么,为身体忧虑穿什么。难道生命不胜于饮食吗?身体不胜于衣裳吗?看那天上的飞鸟,也不种、也不收,也不积蓄在仓里,你们的天父还是养活它。你们不比飞鸟贵重得多吗?”这里的“不要为……忧虑”一词,原文为希腊语“μὴ μεριμνάτε”(me merimnate),意思是“不要担心”或“不要烦恼”。这个词强调了信任神的供应和保护,而不是为未来的需要和担忧而焦虑不安。 马可福音4:39中说:“耶稣就睡着了,风渐渐地大作,船在海中几乎要翻了。门徒就来叫醒他,说:‘夫子,夫子,我们丧命啦!’耶稣醒了,斥责那风,向海说:‘住了吧!静了吧!’风就止住了,大大地平静了。”这里的“住了吧!静了吧!”一词,原文为希腊语“σιώπα,πεφίμωσο”(siopa, pephimoso),意思是“安静,平静”。这个词强调了耶稣的权能和能力,可以让风浪平静,带来内心的平静和安宁。 总的来说,圣经中有许多关于内心平静和安宁的教导,这些教导强调了信任神、专注于神的话语、保持谦卑和定期休...

Be Still

The Bible has several teachings on being still, which can be applied to our daily lives, including our careers. Here are a few examples: "Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10. This verse encourages us to take a break from the busyness of life and focus on God. It reminds us that in the midst of our struggles and challenges, God is still in control. In the context of our careers, this can mean taking a step back from our work to remember that our identity and purpose is not defined solely by our job or accomplishments, but by our relationship with God. "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" - Exodus 14:14. This verse speaks to the importance of trust and surrender. It reminds us that we don't always have to strive and struggle to achieve our goals, but that we can trust in God's provision and guidance. In our careers, this can mean surrendering our desires and ambitions to God, trusting that he will lead us on the right path. ...

Likelihood of admitted to ICU for 7days consecutively

According to the Malaysian National Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Registry Report 2019, the mean ICU length of stay was 4.9 days, and the median ICU length of stay was 2.3 days. This means that the majority of ICU patients in Malaysia spend less than 7 consecutive days in the ICU. This is a conversation with  #Chatgpt about  #icu   #admission   #statistics  . Kai X T: How likely is to be admitted to ICU for 7days consecutively The likelihood of being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for seven consecutive days depends on various factors such as age, overall health status, the reason for admission, and the severity of the illness or injury. For example, if someone has a chronic illness such as heart disease or cancer, they may be at higher risk for complications that require ICU admission. Similarly, if someone has a severe infection such as pneumonia or sepsis, they may require an extended stay in the ICU for close monitoring and treatment. Overall, the pro...

你願意用 1 萬美元賣掉未來每年 1% 所得嗎?

如果有人願意現在付你 1 萬美元,換取你未來的 1% 所得。你願意嗎?你不僅僅要考慮職務變化,例如會不會高升至高階主管?會不會因為換工作致富?又或是會窮困潦倒?也要考慮未來的經濟趨勢,精算師思維中最關鍵的技巧就是「現值法」。 如何用精算師的思維去思考、工作,並且規劃出你的人生藍圖,做出總總大大小小的決策?


最好的效率就是说尽量用最少的付出换取最大的收益,是吗? 最近看到的一句话“当宣教被增长所定义” 人数的增长定义了宣教的成与败。 最近,一年一度的政府大学新生又要报到了。每年我们教会都会去做接待的事项,比如新生第一个落脚处,带新生去认识这个新环境,给他们讲学校的事,等等。 随着几年的过去,校方对接待新生越来越有经验,非常的细心,那绝对减轻教会服侍的工作量。从以前一下飞机教会就得接新生,安排他们吃,住,行,到报到当天,帮新生把行李送到他们orientation暂时的宿舍直到orientation week 结束,帮他们搬到新宿舍,一系列的事项的确让服侍者累,而且随时需要应对突发状况比如生病啊,ic 不见啊,行李不见啊,穿错报到的 dress code 啊,宿舍没水啊,还有一些自己安排报到行程的新生临时说找不到酒店啊,找不到哪一个报道地点啊,等等等等。校方都在这些事情下功夫解决了。教会接待的服侍慢慢从解决这些问题到如何把新生安全送到学校手中,和更多精力的为过后的迎新日活动做准备。越来越有效率了吧。 值得思考的问题在于。教会在迎新日服侍中要扮演什么角色。这点可以从新生为什么找教会探讨?难道只是为了解决人生地不熟的环境问题吗。那么久了到时这里有熟悉的朋友和环境了就不需要去教会了咯。还是家长说每个礼拜都必须去崇拜所以孩子必须找教会。那么家长都不在身边了,还管得住孩子无拘无束精彩的大学生活吗。 耶稣说他是好牧人好牧人认识他的羊,他的羊也认识他。若教会是基督的肢体当让他的羊认出祂。那么教会活动和其他课外活动/团体应该要有什么分别呢? 约13:35 你们若有彼此相爱的心、众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。 那么迎新会是要帮助新生解决到学校的问题呢还是要预备一个累了就想回的家给新生。让他们愿意来到这里有机会聆听神的话。 许多新生尤其是家里排行最大的,第一次离家,父母都免不了牵肠挂肚,许多不辛劳苦,拿假期,买机票,都要陪孩子来报到。可能在我们看来会觉得怎么那么不放心啊,孩子大了自然要离开,要独立。家长在孩子的电话中知道教会有为他们安排确实会放心,就算是非信徒听孩子有教会照顾也必会放心。 那么教会的角色是要做 1有什么事情第一个想到教会呢还是 2自己先解决问题,不行没办法才找教会呢 3还是择中教会帮会助你遇到什么问题要找哪一方解决,没办法才做你最后的帮助。 应该没有教会会选2吧。若在资源充足...

Life priorities

It's important to note that life priorities can shift over time, and what is important to one person may not be important to another. It's also possible to have multiple priorities that are equally important, and balancing these priorities can be a challenge. Life priorities can vary from person to person depending on their values, beliefs, and goals. However, some common life priorities that many people may have include: Health: This can include physical, mental, and emotional health, and may involve prioritizing exercise, healthy eating, regular check-ups, and self-care. Relationships: Building and maintaining strong relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners can be a key priority for many people. Career: Achieving career success, fulfillment, and financial stability may be a priority for some people. Personal growth and development: Many people prioritize personal growth, learning, and development through activities such as reading, attending workshops, o...